WEEKLY EMAIL LIST If you wish to sign up to the weekly church email list, please send an email to: churchmanager@gmail.com or add your details to the clipboard sheet at the coffee table. If you find that your are not receiving the email, please check your spam or junk mail folders.
OPEN TO ALL Coffee and tea will be served in the Bill McDonald Hall at the close of the Sunday service. Everyone is very welcome.
MORNING PRAYERS ON TUESDAYS We meet for prayers every Tuesday at 10.00am in the Newington Room opposite the Church Office. Everyone most welcome.
PRAISE AND PRAYER Every fortnight on Thursdays at 7.30pm in the Priestfield Church Lounge: - next on 19 September.
CALLING ALL STUDENTS! - Join us for a meal to connect with our Student and Young Adult Community. Free Food, Make Friends and Worship! Sun 15, 22 & 29 September @ 12noon, after Church. For more info please see Beth or email newingtontrinityyoungadults@gmail.com
THURSDAY CLUB The re-start of Thursday Club will be on the 3 October, 2.00pm in the Bill McDonald Hall. Everyone is welcome and it doesn’t matter whether you can only make one or two sessions, we would love to see you. We are a friendship club and the more friends the merrier!
May I also put out a plea for drivers? Some of our members rely on lifts to get them to and from the club (most have blue badges for parking) and so we value our drivers as VIPs in the team very much! Again it doesn’t matter how often you might be able to help…there is a rota and it wouldn’t be every week. However even if it was only once or twice we would value your support greatly, truly!
I and the team hope to welcome many new friends in October!
Deirdre Eustace, Convener 07785 301 182 eustacedeirdre@gmail.com
SOUTHSIDE GUILD The 2024/5 session of the Southside Guild begins on 1 October at 2.00pm. Our speaker for our first meeting is talking about the Colinton Tunnels. We have a new venue for our meetings, we will meet in the Bill McDonald Hall in Mayfield Salisbury Church. Everybody is welcome to attend our meetings and I look forward to seeing both seasoned Guild members as well as new faces. Julia Yarker
PASTORAL ISSUES If you have any pastoral issues, including any suggestions for the prayer chain or if you wish to receive the prayer chain email, please contact our Parish Deacon, Pauline Robertson. Contact details are: pastoralassistantms@gmail.com (phone 07587 043 191).
The next AFTERNOON SERVICE (Holy Communion) will be held on Tuesday, 10 September at 2.30pm in the Bill McDonald Hall [via West Mayfield level access] and will be led by Revd. Dr Sandy Forsyth. The short Service is followed by tea/refreshments (until around 3.45pm) Everyone always made most welcome. Further information in the September issue of Grapevine.
The new parish information leaflets are now available for distribution. These contain various helpful information about events and services we hold in the new combined congregation which is very useful for those (in particular) in the local area who perhaps are not familiar with what we offer. The packs are ready to go with the correct number of leaflets for each street included. For the moment, each of the three congregations are still managing distribution within their parish areas individually. Thank you all in advance for your help!
Craigmillar Park Craigmillar Park still need some extra distributors - please speak to Pauline Weibye if you can help.
Mayfield Salisbury If you are able, please do take some packs from the table in the West Mayfield vestibule to distribute around our area.
Priestfield Could Priestfield distributors please see Kenny and Fiona in the Mayfield Salisbury south transept after the service?
Jam and chutney sale: We plan to hold our Christian Aid jam and chutney sale after the service on 6 October. So if you’re getting out the preserving pans to make the most of this summer’s seasonal produce, please consider making a little extra for our stall – we’d really appreciate it. If you need extra jars, please contact Kate O’Brien at kate.obrien@hotmail.co.uk, 667 4362 or 07593 768 087. We have plenty to spare.
Calling all crafters – save the date! Following last year’s very successful Craft Fair, the Christian Aid team is planning to hold another on Saturday 9 November. Proceeds will go to Christian Aid, and other charities. We would welcome contributions and support, so please let us know if you’d like to be involved. And whether you bake, sew, sculpt, paint, embroider, upcycle or have any other creative talents, we’d love to hear from you! Please contact Kate O’Brien, kate.obrien@hotmail.co.uk, 667 4362 or 07593 768 087 for more information. Thank you - The Christian Aid Team
‘BEING CHRISTIAN: FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH’ – UPCOMING WORSHIP SERIES AND STUDY GROUP From late September to late November, we’ll be embarking on an eight-part worship series as the basis of each Sunday service, complemented by a study group on a weekday evening, which will look at the foundations of the Christian faith in an open and accessible way.
Anyone would be very welcome to join the study group who would like to explore faith more, from within the regular congregation and beyond. If anyone would like to use the study group as part of a journey towards baptism, or towards making a public profession of faith so as to become a communicant member of the Church of Scotland, they would be most welcome to do so.
More information will follow shortly, including dates and times. If you would like to discuss the possibility of being part of the study group, or would like to sign up to do so, please contact the minister, Rev Dr Sandy Forsyth – aforsyth@churchofscotland.org.uk (or have a word after a service).
YOUTH GROUP NEWS Children of all ages are welcome during the service at 10:30. Provision will be made in the south transept where toys & activities will be available. The children will stay in during the service unless numbers are such that it makes more sense to move to one of the halls.
Young Church for various ages has resumed.
Youth Group has resumed.
Messy Church is open to everyone to attend or volunteer to support. The next Messy Church is on Saturday 28 September.
Change of Service Time – Sunday 22 September – Godly Play Conference – One Service at 10.30am As had been shared over many weeks, from Friday 20 September to Monday 23rd September, we are delighted to be hosting the European Godly Play Conference. We have been waiting for confirmation of how the participants would like to be part of worship on Sunday 22 September, and that has now been provided. Their involvement will be inter-generational, given the nature of Godly Play. With apologies for the late notice and any inconvenience caused, this means that one service will be most desirable on that date. Our joint service for September is already planned for Sunday 15th. Rather than change rotas and arrangements for that date, the best way forward is to have an additional joint service in the coming month on 22 September to accommodate Godly Play. For your diaries, therefore, there will also be one service on Sunday 22 September, at 10.30am.
FAIRTRADE STALL Our next Fairtrade Stall will be on Sunday 22nd September. We have everything from colourful Peruvian cardigans, duck quackers, socks and bags, to our ever popular chocolate, coffee and biscuits. Remember real money only no plastic!
BOOK LAUNCH A new book by the Rev Dr Marjory A Maclean – Oh All Right Then: Stories from a Varied Ministry - will be launched on Sunday 22 September at 7.00pm at Mayfield Salisbury Parish Church. Marjory is a parish minister in Orkney, having been a student minister at Mayfield. She is a prominent figure in the national church, being a Chaplain to the King, Convenor of the Legal Questions Committee and former Acting Principal Clerk. The event will be introduced by Rev Dr Sandy Forsyth and Very Rev Dr Martin Fair. Afterwards there will be book signing and refreshments! Do sign up on www.ticketsource.co.uk/marjory-maclean or email: churchmanager@gmail.com
CHURCH GIVING – QR CODE Our Quick Response code is a handy way of using your smart ‘phone or tablet’s QR app to link you to our Giving Page. Once you have joined the Giving Page safeguards are still operative. PLATES: Those who would have wished to use it may make use of the offering plates situated in the vestibule and halls entrance, at the close of the service. Regular and one-off donations are possible online at www.give.net/20311853 (scan the QR code) or please contact our Freewill Offerings Treasurer, Hugh Somerville on 0131 466 2446 or hs.somerville2@gmail.com
Forthcoming Deadlines
Order of Service Next Week: Thursday at 10.00am
Next Parish Magazine: Friday 4 October at 6.00pm